Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Lesson in Forgiveness

Halloween night our home and cars were vandalized. We were at our friend's house for the evening. When we returned, our "Yes for Marriage" sign was taken from our yard, shredded, broken and left in our driveway. We also noticed crude remarks on our Jeep and garage door. At first, I was a little distraught, not thinking that anything like this would ever happen to me. I really had to get over that little bit of anger when my 9 year old started feeling very angry. He went on and on and on about why someone would do that to us. That's when I had to take a step back and explain "We believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Others believe differently. It doesn't matter whether or not we believe the same things. We are all entitled to our own opinions. What Heavenly Father wants us to do is forgive those who do us wrong. We have to say the things they did to us aren't that important. If we were to get mad and say bad things about others or keep those angry feelings in our hearts, then we would be just as bad as those that did us wrong." those of you that destroyed my sign and vandalized my home and cars...I FORGIVE YOU! I don't have any hard feelings anymore. I feel sorry for you because you don't know what I know. I really would like to share what I know to be true and what brings me true happiness. If you would like to learn what I believe, you know where to find me.
ON A SIDE NOTE...when we first put the sign up in our yard, I was explaining to the kids what it meant, that marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. Mackay, the smarty that he is and where he heard this, I will never know said "Yeah, because if a boy marries a boy, That's Gay!" Oh, if you could've seen my face!


Jaime said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you. You have such a great attitude and what a great lesson to teach your family, you are such a wonderful Mom!! Miss you guys!

Jesika said...

So, Halloween must have been the night! We had the exact same thing happen to us! Shredded sign and grafiti on our garage. It really bothered me at first. How dare they take away my freedom of speech...It's okay for them to voice theirs but not mine! Just rude.....But, I too have tried to forgive because it does me no good to hold a grudge! I love your thoughts! They made me smile!! Thanks for the reminder to forgive those we don't want to!

Amie said...

still can't believe it... =(

Amy said...

Wow I had only heard about signs being stolen in our area. That is kinda scary. You do have such a great attitude about it all. My sister in Mesa had all her windows on her car smashed in. I think it is interesting that they want everyone to be so tolerant of their lifestyle but they can't be tolerant of our beliefs.