Monday, July 14, 2008

More Pictures of Swim Lessons

For some reason, I think because the files were too big...I can only upload one picture at a time. Here is Grayci jumping off the diving board at swim lessons. She jumps off and swims to the side. Today, she wanted to keep jumping off the side of the pool and wanted to keep swimming even when it wasn't her turn. Yeah...she is loving the water now...and not afraid!'re the best!


Donna Rae said...

Ive had trouble loading photos before. I think you are right, to big. If you go to your photo file and right click on the photo a box will come up. There is an option that says "open with" move your cursor on that and choose "paint" when the next box comes up. When your photo comes up look at the top of the page and there is an option on the tool bar that says "image" click on that and select "stretch & skew" In the 2 boxes that say stretch put the number 50 in each and click ok. It will not change the way your photo looks it just changes the size. I know it sounds like a lot. You should try it next time. I read your 100 things about me post. loved it!!!! I think I may try that. I am not sure I could find 100 things to write about.

Donna Rae said...

P.S. If you find an easier way to shrink photos let me know!!!!!

Jaime said...

ahhh...isn't Bonnie the best!! I'm glad you got her in. Ashley hated the first 2 lessons and then she loved it. Bonnie really has a talent with the little ones.